Daniel is many things. You can find out this information on our website Daniel or his website Thirty7s 

Here we would like to highlight, just one of his specialties.  He is truly, the best of the best Obstacle builders. He is also a home improvement genius and can help you build anything, from a turkey rickshaw (yes, oh yes he has,) to the fanciest of fancy obstacles. 


When we are done-We Play



We started with the Z-wall with a detour to the broken doors. Our walls are made of metal studs, bendable, like aluminum and sheetrock. There was no way to brace anything safely. Daniel created individual braces and created the safest  foundation for each individual project.

He even created little doors for the electrical outlets, to protect the outlets and the youth!



The building just continued, piece and after piece, his mind never slowed down.

ZWall  Salmon Ladder Stairway to Heaven (Lion’s Den) Rigs