Lionhearts Fitness has been racing and will be racing in 2022.

OCR Luccketta, qualified for both the National Championships and the Worlds. This year, they fell on the same day. We opted for Nationals, because it was in Lake Tahoe, which is in our old stomping grounds. We actually own a timeshare there and booked the week. What an amazing time we had. Luccketta had ZERO fails and his time was fantastic. Just making that course is impressive enough in itself. the mountain climb is over 3K ft.

We met many friends there, although most of the crew was at OCRW
Luccketta Raced often in the year and placed 4th overall, national series Spartan.
He took home a few 4th places, with ZERO fails, but didn’t reach the podium. He has been training training with Rachel Watters, and his running time has advanced considerably. We will post more on his specific page. OCR LUCCKETTA   You can also follow him on TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. ALL LINKS CLICK HERE

Lionhearts Youth Raced both Spartan and Savage, both companies SPONSORED our youth! Savage has even partnered with Lionhearts Fitness to provide races for our youth. PLEASE, support SAVAGE RACES this year. Please let them know Lionhearts sent you. Send an email to them, thanking them for helping our youth!

The 2022 dates are below.

Lionhearts OCR

2019 Season:
Many of our youth, at minimum 20, received their Spartan Kids Trifecta this year!!

Luccketta received his adult trifecta while running his Beast in 4.3 missing zero obstacles.

We are OCR people!!

Some Highlights:


Check out our many social media sites:

Facebook, YouTube, Instagram

Our OCR (Obstacle Course Racing Team) has been working very hard to prepare themselves for this race season, and for life in general.


We had a blast as a team at the Atlanta (Lake Lanier) Spartan Race April 13th 2019. 

We had quite a few youth racing in the Spartan Kids Race -Team Lionhearts

We will be running again at the Panther Race June 1st and Spartan Asheville Sprint (14 and over) and Spartan Kids (2 miles this time!) July 27th

Our Coaches will be getting their Obstacle Specialist Training/Certificates on the 26th! How exciting.

Here are our Lionhearts OCR Youth and Coaches: (More photos on our Facebook Page.)

We are complete supporters of More Heart Than Scars.

Many of our Lionhearts team raced March 8th at the Terrain Race at the same venue. We didn’t go as a team, but many youth raced with their parents (including my son.)

We are still asking for donations to help pay for races, shirts, shoes for all the youth that can not afford it. The donate/sponsor a child/race/camp buttons are throughout the site.

Mission: To empower our youth to face fears and conquer obstacles, knowing their worth, building self-worth as well as becoming stronger physically.

Obstacle Racing, particularly in team racing, develops community, unity, strength and empowerment by helping others. No one is left out nor left behind. If one person can’t do an obstacle, their teammate will help, or even do the obstacle for them. Everyone has their favorite strength and obstacle. Together we face them and are victorious.

Team building is essential as is individual empowerment.
My personal story is witness to this.

We want to empower our youth.         

Encourage, invigorate and empower our youth in preparation for Obstacle Course participation. We call it racing and perhaps someday they will compete, but for now we want to get them prepared to participate and finish their races. (A long-term goal might be to have our own competitive teams.)

Weekly Classes! 


We have our OCR conditioning and training classes weekly at the Lionhearts Fitness Center. We are located at 4075 Cloud Springs Road. We are next to the Cloud Springs Deli. We are currently looking to build a Ranch. Stay tuned.

We will be participating in races, team building and offering many community service opportunities. 

No one is left behind. Ask us how we can help you, if you need it, (or sponsor a child yourself!)

We need to pay our bills, but we want all youth to be afforded this opportunity. We will be soliciting sponsorship for races and uniforms.

Anyone who wants to participate is welcome. WE will make certain they are included. This is a community service for our community.

We would like to tell you more about it. Please contact us with any questions and for further details. We would like to ask you to help us promote this wonderful new program. We believe it is the first of its kind, at least in this area.