OCR LUCCKETTA (who we call Luccketta.)
We’re thrilled to share some of our news from Luccketta’s recent races! Luccketta not only represents Lionhearts, but he also races for both Heather Gollnick’s IronEdge Coaching and RaceReady Obstacles , They are both Sponsors of Lionhearts Fitness and have catapulted our athletes to new heights.
Not only has he conquered many challenges at Spartan events, and completed his first Spartan Trifecta of the year, but he’s also snagged a podium at the Atlanta Savage Race, making him (again,) eligible for the OCRW Championships in CA this year. His winnings showcase his obstacle proficiency and strength.
That’s not all!
In addition to his personal achievements, OCR Luccketta has been dedicating his time and expertise to coaching one-on-one with some of our Lionhearts youth and offering these services throughout the community. Through his guidance and mentorship, he’s been instrumental in helping our Lionhearts reach new heights in their athletic endeavors.
Although not a competitive TEAM Lionhearts is winning podiums continuously
CHECK OUT: Competitive-Non Competitive
He has done an amazing job teaching classes with great turnouts for all classes, but especially the newly formed teen and adult classes.
Join us!
Luccketta has dedicated all of his hours to this mission (MISSION)
Classes, Camps, Races, all-volunteer, for 5 years now.
Stay tuned for more updates on OCR Luccketta’s journey.
OCR Luccketta would like to get as many One 2 One students/clients as he can, during his off hours. Please check his CALENDAR and book your sessions.
He covers:
Cross Country
OCR training
Our youth have been doing so much and it is very hard to keep up, but they are as busy as can be, because of Luccketta.
PROPERTY? Oh yeah, we found some. We are working very hard to acquire it.
Luccketta (Always a Lionheart and Coach) Joined the IronEdge Team of Coaching, with the amazing Heather Gollnick. Please Click her name for link.

LUCCKETTA Had a Blast at the ULTIMATE OCR in FL this year. A Mashup of Spartan and American Ninja Warrior.
OCR Luccketta has been added to the
Luccketta GRADUATED and is now FULLTIME Director of Lionhearts Fitness. Once he sets up the Lionhearts Fitness Ranch he will start his College Education in the fields of Biology, Ecology and Zoology.
RaceReady Obstacles is our #1 Sponsor and Supporter. They visited our gym bringing an amazing obstacle for the youth. Aaron and Dana are more like family than partners, yet we are honored to partner with them.
Our whole facility is filled with RaceReadyObstacles and that is what makes OCR Luccketta the competitor he is. We are also seeing some of our youth achieving podium status in their first competitive races.
Luccketta took 2nd place in the last race he raced. The Savage Atlanta, he also had over 40 youth following him the SavageJr afterwards!
He has been mentored and coached by Rachel Watters this past year and his running game has improved 10 fold. She is an exceptional Coach. She will be highlighted on our mentors page with the very best in the OCR World.
#mentorsmatter was a huge campaign Lionhearts started, primarily for OCR Luccketta. It was easy finding mentors for the youth, and plenty offered their help. It took more work to find the mentors for Luccketta and the adults. We believe we have been blessed with the very best.
Check out our MENTORS MATTER Page
Ok Let the photos tell the story!
I am so behind on updating OCR Luccketta’s journey, accomplishments and challenges.We have been training youth to race, which keeps us busy enough, and he and the youth have been racing up a storm since everything opened back up.
OCR 2021
OCR races started back up for the youth! We are very excited for the year 2022, especially with the partnership and sponsorship with SAVAGE RACES! You will see us at every Savage Race that we can travel to.
Luccketta raced very hard in 2021, to promote Lionhearts Fitness.
He paid his way through races, via volunteering and he paid for his travel through private sponsorships.
Because of his hard work and determination, we can now provide free RACES, Training and community building.
He made it so our Sponsors, from around the world, knew our mission.
Luccketta comes home from a weekend of racing hard, then volunteers as a coach to the Lionhearts all week long.
He is a Junior in HS and a volunteer firefighter in training. He loves fishing, camping and reading.
Here is a small album of the many races of the year 2021.
Luccketta wears Legendborne jerseys. He also endorses Race Ready Obstacles, Fitbar Strong and Dr. Pat McCarver, all who sponsor Lionhearts Fitness.
2021 was Luccketta’s true year of competition, placing 5th in the National Series, Qualifying for OCRW and Spartan Nationals.
His Coaches include: Rachel Watters, Tommy Davidson, Tom Brabston, and Jason Deem.
His mentors are countless, and that’s what makes this community so incredible. He was mentored by many, that are now mentors, officially for Lionhearts Fitness.
It’s helped us serve, so many.OCR LUCCKETTA