Sponsor a LionHeart!
How Does ThiS All work?
How does this all work?
Does this cover classes? YES
Does this cover races? We hope to!
How about my child? NO Child left behind.
Do you accept corporate sponsorship? YES
Are you a Non-Profit? YES
Our Statement Of Purpose is on our “About Page.”

Please email if you have any questions. 100% of my time, talents and efforts are on a voluntary basis. (Throw food into my cage every once in while!)
Where Does Your Dollar go?
We often have over 20 students per class. The mony goes into the Lionhearts account to pay for the students awards, class supplies, uniforms, equipment. We have created a “Race Bank” which pays for their OCR Races, travel and field trips.
We pay rent now, at our own facility. We also pay for water, electricity and internet.
Sponsor A Lionheart