Parent Handbook and Behavior Contract (Used for Day Camps)
To be updated for 2025
It’s so exciting because we received donations to help EVERY youth participate. WE WOULD LOVE DONATIONS of $150.00 per student to help cover all costs. We are 100% VOLUNTEERS and 100% Donations.
Community helping the community!
Our youth, and our community are worth every bit. We are, and always will be, 100% donation driven. 100% FREE to ALL youth, 100% Volunteers.
The money collected, especially for camps, goes to all the incidentals. Arts and Craft Supplies, Games, Toiletries, Gifts, and Awards, but it also helps us pay the rent and utilities while we are out there “playing.”Not much fundraising can go on when we are out hiking!!
We have exceptional coaches from one of the absolute BEST Teams (literally, in the world,) helping our youth learn how to run!! (Not our forte! We know how to swing from things.) These coaches are DONATING their time.
I am beside myself with gratitude for our community, serving our community, to truly better our world.
For goodness sake, we went from “parking lot camps” to llamas horses, ponds and Elsie Holmes Trails!
Blessed indeed. All glory to God. YOU TOO can sponsor a child!!
Sunscreen and Bug Repellant at your discretion NO ARESOL Coaches are highly allergic!
Water bottle with campers name. We refill the bottles with alkaline water. Two healthy snacks. No fruit drinks, but fruit is welcome, (that does not include fruit candy!) Healthy Lunch. Please, avoid peanut products, as we might have others allergic.
There is to be NO food sharing, even among siblings. Please pack separate lunches for each youth. We try and make certain lunches are completely consumed, so please be considerate of your youths likes, dislikes, nutritional needs, and portion control.
No Phone zone. They may keep one in their backpack. If you stay with your child, you are welcome but we put phones away for the day, except coaches taking photos.
No necklaces or jewelry that can snag in swinging equipment or get lost in the woods.
No Gum.
We do not administer medicine
Please make certain that if your youth is on medication they take it at the appointed times. You will be called to pick up your child if they have missed their morning medications, It can be embarrassing to the child when a mother/father/grandparent arrives frazzled during lunch with medication.
Sunscreen! Lotion only. Coach shell and Coach Stacie are severely allergic to the spray, even after applied.
Ideas, field trips, and volunteers wanted!
We can use a full team of volunteers, both homeschool families and night classes. PLEASE contact
Michele “shell” Luccketta
Just click the Sponsor a child button. While you are here, feel free to sponsor a child or two. Thank you.
All-day Fitness and Fun Camps!!
100 percent of all fees/donations go straight to helping the youth. We are 100% donations-based and 100% volunteers.
Great job community. This is working. It’s helping many.